Blog Archive


Day Seven: Back on Track

Tiiiiiired. But, I am all caught up in posts!

Today was interesting, did a lot of nothing and kinda humming around the apartment. (Not humming as in actually humming, but just kinda walking and sitting around the apartment figuring what the frig to do with my day. I was supposed to work at Tim's this morning, but that didn't work out because I couldn't make it back to Freddi on the bus last night. So, I did what any teen my age would do. Stay up til two. Sleep til seven. Hop on a bus to Freddi. Don't nap. Shower before class. Class. Housework. And forget about doing homework for the night. I'm really still kinda tired, but I don't mind.

Tomorrow night I'll be posting some info that's exciting for me! So, you'll just have to find out what it is later on! :D

Anyway, once this first month of these photos is over, I'm going to start working on style, technique and theme in my photos. This first month is the adjustment month. Then, I'm going to be a dear and make it harder for myself. But if I don't keep pushing it, I'll never learn what I want to from this.

Today's photo is just of some of my favorite books. (Forget that Dust City is in there. It makes the composition better, but it's not really a good book. All of the other books are amazing though!) I made sure to remember to bring some books with me to Freddi. I miss my books. I honestly have two full Rubbermaid tubs at home. Anyway, if anyone's interested in some other good reads, I know a few books that are pretty good. If you like teen fantasy with no vampires or werewolves, that is. 

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