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Forgive Me

I spent all day working and all I want to do is sleep. Therefore, I am going to. I will post again when I am not so tired.


Day Twelve: Sleep.

I am tired as all iuahjfdknuhijk. My keyboard is stuck in French. I dont feel like fixing it right now, so expect poor punctuation. Not much to say. Worked at Tims. Hated it. Came home. Cleaned. Doing this. Going to bed. Tis about it.

On the plus side, my last shift at Tims is on Sunday. After that, as long as I dont desperately need money, because I am living on the streets. I WILL NEVER HAVE TO GO BACK!!!!!

Yea. So. Todays photo. My bedroom floor. Because it exists. Finally. The sad thing. This is half of my bedroom floor. In terms of usuable floor space that doesnt have furniture on it. And Ive only got two night stands, a twin bed, a desk and a closet in my room....


Day Eleven: The Life of a Post-Secondary Student

(Yes, I know Secondary is cut in half with no hyphen. Don't criticize me!) Today was definitely a day that made me feel like a (I say post-secondary, because I'm so used to saying university student, but I'm not anymore. I'm a college student, but I like Post-Secondary better than college....anyway.....) post-secondary student. Broke as glass. I had to buy pants and shoes for work, and groceries.

Plus. I slept in until one. Something I haven't done in a long time. I'm usually never up at four in the morning, but last night was an exception. A very rare one too.

Tyler and Steve (I don't know if I've mentioned him before, but Steve is married to Leah and they're that couple that you're pretty well best friends with and they're the kind of people that Tyler and I (if ever we have a place of our own) would give them the keys to watch over it so we'd go away for a few days and ask them to mind the cat and stuff. Awesome people, I just wish we could hang out more often. And that Leah could join us. Oh! And Leah's pregnant!) came up to Freddi last night to do some video for the band of one of the actors they're using for something. That was done at one, and then we hung out at my apartment for a few hours, before they drove back to Saint John.

It was an awesome night, I'm just sad it had to end and it's something that doesn't happen often. Though, with me now working at Future Shop, I should be making more money eventually, so I'll be able to go home!

I'm not kidding you. This is pretty well three-four weeks worth of groceries for me.

Day Ten: What's Different?

So, do you notice what's different?

Can ya guess?

At Anything?


My hair's cut. That's right folks, I cut my own hair. Mind you, I don't know how my mum and sister will take it, because they've always told me to never cut my own hair. I can home from class and after my shower I figured I might as well trim more of my bangs, because it was starting to bug me that I didn't cut all of them. Then, it kinda spiraled and soon enough I can around to cutting my hair. What do you think? Like it? No? Why?

Something funny that happened today at school. I was in my ceramics class and we were working away on our projects and schtuff. When all of a sudden, the fire alarm starts going off. But everyone in my class looks up and around at the rest of the class all wondering whether or not we should keep working or if we should actually head the fire alarm.

It's kinda a funny thought to think of. Art students that would rather keep working than save themselves from a probable death. A fun little tid bit I figured that I would share with you.

Here's my hair. Enjoy!

Oh, and I'm broke. Very broke.


Day Nine: Please Shoot Me

No, don't actually shoot me. And no, I don't hate Future Shop. I'm just so friggin' tired. Up at 7. Class 9-12. Put in my two weeks at Tim's went to the bank, ate. Class 1-4. Work 5-9. Ceramics homework at the school 9.30-10.30. Groceries 10.49-10.56. Check Facebook and e-mail 11.20-12.20. This 12.20-whenever I finish typing.

I'm super excited at Future Shop. I started shadowing today. Though I need to get pants and shoes for my shift on Sunday. Speaking of shifts though, So far, scheduled between now and the 13th (when next week ends for work weeks) I have a total of 42 hours scheduled to work. Maybe more, because I had to not work some shifts at Future Shop, 'cause of Tim's. But I might be adding another 16 hours on to all of that. Doesn't it sound like the BEST MARCH BREAK EVER! Although the money will be good and I do really need it. I'm becoming that poor university student that can almost not afford food.

Well, now I feel bad. There was more stuff that I wanted to tell you lovely people but I don't quite remember.  Wait! I remember a part of the things I wanted to say. Yes, I do practically live in that sweater. My STU Men's sweater from last year. It's livable quality. It's warm, big and cozy. On top of all of that, the hood is actually designed to fit over you head! Anyway, I just wanted to say all of that, because I noticed I was wearing the same sweater in the photo for yesterday.

This was my calendar. There's lots of things written on there, but little that's actually up to date. I have a tendency of doing that. Starting to get organized and then just kind of writing other things on it. I want to start taking photos of it each time it's time to change the month. Because some pretty awesome things get written on it. I changed it tonight. The proper months are on it and my work hours, plus birthdays and when projects are due and when Tyler's coming up and out one year and eight months. 

Speaking of that, it's pretty crazy to think that it's almost two years for us. At the same time, it's ONLY been two years? How can that be? It feels like we've been together for significantly longer than that. Sometime, I'll write about how wonderful he is to me and how awesome he is in general. That's for another night. I have class early in the morning, and a late night ahead of me, plus I forgot some things to get at Sobeys and I have to go to the mall..Yay. Night!

UPDATE: I REMEMBER! It's like five minutes later, but anyway. I remember what I was going to say. I heard over and over again today stuff like.

Someone: Which department are you going into?
Me: DI (Digital Imaging, i.e. cameras)
Someone: Oh, I heard about you. You know a lot about dog food don't you?
Me: (kinda stunned) yes?
Someone: Mark (the general manager) was telling me about you.
Me: Oh, wow. (Kinda embarrassed)
Someone: No, that's good. He was really impressed with how much you knew about dog food. It makes you look really good that you still know all of it.

In my mind I was going through the interview, and for those of you who have actually heard the ENTIRE spield of my dog food rant, I barely even scratched the surface of what I know about dog food... But anyway, a BIG THANKS to Pet Corral. I miss that store...


Day Eight: A Day of NO Editing!

So I'm super tired. Went to bed late last night getting caught up and doing dishes ('cause that's another thing I'm trying to do on a more regular basis as well as clean my room and do laundry..) and stuff. Woke up early for class, went to school, then straight to my good news to fill out paperwork and do LOTS of very informative reading.

Since I need to fill out room before I add the photo of the day, I guess the good news for me will go here. Tomorrow, I am putting my two weeks in a Tim's! Hence the photo of me with my pins on my hat --->

I was hired on at Future Shop for part time in Digital Imaging. In other words, of all the people that you know like me that adores photography and cameras, I will be the one that sells cameras for a living! And literally a living, because I'll go hungry, cold and homeless without a job.

That's probably not what most of you thought my good news was about, but I am super excited. I'm really happy to be leaving Tim's. For many reasons. A few which can usually go unnoticed and just things I don't like.

One: Chipping my nails because that's how I can manage to push the buttons on the screen.
Two: No more waking up at 4.30! (Well, unless I have a shift between now and when my last official day is.)
Three: Feeling kinda weird walking to work at 5.20 in the morning wearing a scarf, sweater, mittens, winter jacket, scarf over my nose and mouth, hat, ski goggles and a hood to stay warm.
Four: As much as free food is nice, no more eating Tim's food! Just means I'll be eating better from now on!
Five: Everything else I don't like.

But I will miss the people at that store that I love. :)  You should know who you are! Granted, you will probably never read any of this.

Anyway, time for bed. Photo! Quick, simple is my source of joy for the day.

Though, somehow the orientation was changed when I uploaded it. And for posterity sake in saying this, I didn't edit either of today's photos. Hence the name and why there's no text on my self-portrait. Enjoy! It may not happen often!


Day Seven: Back on Track

Tiiiiiired. But, I am all caught up in posts!

Today was interesting, did a lot of nothing and kinda humming around the apartment. (Not humming as in actually humming, but just kinda walking and sitting around the apartment figuring what the frig to do with my day. I was supposed to work at Tim's this morning, but that didn't work out because I couldn't make it back to Freddi on the bus last night. So, I did what any teen my age would do. Stay up til two. Sleep til seven. Hop on a bus to Freddi. Don't nap. Shower before class. Class. Housework. And forget about doing homework for the night. I'm really still kinda tired, but I don't mind.

Tomorrow night I'll be posting some info that's exciting for me! So, you'll just have to find out what it is later on! :D

Anyway, once this first month of these photos is over, I'm going to start working on style, technique and theme in my photos. This first month is the adjustment month. Then, I'm going to be a dear and make it harder for myself. But if I don't keep pushing it, I'll never learn what I want to from this.

Today's photo is just of some of my favorite books. (Forget that Dust City is in there. It makes the composition better, but it's not really a good book. All of the other books are amazing though!) I made sure to remember to bring some books with me to Freddi. I miss my books. I honestly have two full Rubbermaid tubs at home. Anyway, if anyone's interested in some other good reads, I know a few books that are pretty good. If you like teen fantasy with no vampires or werewolves, that is. 

Day Six: I Need to get Better at This

Sooo, I feel really bad that it's taking me so long to get back on track and I don't have to think about doing two posts a day for a few days.

Anyway, yesterday was lovely. Spent morning with people playing with my teeth and being suffocated by pink goo. Then worked on editing photos during the day until it was time to go back to the people playing with my teeth.

I was supposed to be going back to Freddi yesterday, but then, a SNOW STORM HITS! So, I get to spend yet another night in the John of Saints. ( much as I reverse names like that, I have never had one that actually sounds kinda gross. If you think about this one, it's kinda gross.) After the storm hits and the roads are kind of ok, drove around with my boy and our friend (from day five.)

Nothing too special about todays daily photo. But as my mum was taking me back out to Hampton to pick up my retainer, this was what we were driving through. And from what I remember, we were only going sixty. There was actually part of the drive when I saw headlights on a street parallel to the highway. I didn't see the car for another few seconds. That just helps to prove that it was really bad. After it stopped snowing, we also were lucky enough to get a nice coating of freezing rain.