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Day Two: Time for Commitments

 So far, I've managed to stick with it. I'm on day two. It's turning out good so far. Sometimes my roommate and I have a little thing about not wanting to do the dishes. They tend to pile up and then there's less of a desire to ever get them done.

Today was my day to try and stick with personal commitments that I've made and have failed at so far. Doing dishes is one of the prominent ones. To help stick with it, I started the dishes before my roommate got home. When she returned, together we finished while discussing the events of our days and intermittent silence. Which was actually kind of enjoyable.

In light of actually doing the dishes, that's what todays photo is about. It's a picture of our clean kitchen! I know it's not the most spotless kitchen in the world, but at eleven at night, you don't really want to clean every nook and cranny. I still had this photo thing to do and I have to pack, because I'm going home tomorrow night. So, I'm going to take a photo, I'm just not sure if I'll be able to upload it tomorrow night. I shall try!

I hope you have fun looking at our clean kitchen! If you look at the photo of me up there ^ then you can see how prunny my fingers are. That's what you get for spending an hour up to your elbows in water.


  1. I love your kitchen, it's really big! And I also love how your pruny fingers show up in the picture. So good.

  2. That's one of the reasons I chose this apartment in the summer. HUGE kitchen for a downtown Freddi apartment.

    I don't like having pruny fingers. Yes, my skin feels cool, but at the same time, I can't feel anything else. It's a horrible feeling.


Let me know what you think. Of any of this.